Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Well the verdict is out...What did you expect? This is Florida! - the Trayvon Martin case

It takes one a few days to digest the verdict from Sanford, Florida on George Zimmerman's trial.

As most in the world would know by now, hopefully they are not all only watching I Love Lucy, Friends and CSI from America with awe, George Zimmerman is a 28 year old Anglo Hispanic male who shot and killed a young unarmed black teenager, 17 year old Trayvon Martin, while he was walking back to his house in a gated community on February 26, 2012.

George Zimmerman was only briefly interviewed after the murder and was released because the police, who conduct their investigation in closed environments, bought, believed and even aided Zimmerman's "self defense" argument. This outraged Trayvon Martin's family, the Sanford community and many people in the US, with an iota of intelligence, shame and a sense of justice, to protest loudly, and demand the arrest of George Zimmerman and call for a full open trial. George Zimmerman was arrested 44 days after he killed Trayvon Martin with plenty of time to lose evidence, distort evidence and contaminate evidence. Do you know any other country, even Third World countries, where this would happen?

Not only was there a delay in arresting George Zimmerman (more than a month) after the murder, but there was a huge crowd, driven by open racism and hidden prejudice, and some powerful organizations, driven by their support for guns for self defense and the stand your ground law, that provided more than a million dollars for George Zimmerman's trial.

George Zimmerman's trial was led by savvy lawyers who knew the Florida criminal law and its various interpretations;  the culture of the judge, the psychology of the jury and the conservative political views of the Florida public. They also knew the Prosecutors' challenges, shoddiness and sloppiness.  Like in any elite classist, racist, and/or  sexist system...the rich guy, the white guy, the popular guy and the well connected or funded guy got the best lawyers...the poor young Black dead victim and his family got a bunch of shoddy Prosecutors who appeared to be aiding the defense instead of helping their client.

In the US if you are White you are innocent until proven guilty...if you are colored you are guilty until proven innocent. If you are White you can shoot and kill to stand your ground (a law in 27 States), but if you are Black or colored you will be shot until you hit the ground.

This Stand your Ground law, introduced in Florida just a few years before I moved there, allows people,  based on any mere assumptions, fear, judgments and suppositions to shoot and kill people...without retreating (standing your ground) either to save your life, avoid bodily harm or to immobilize the other from any "possibility" of advance. 

This law gives people with guns huge latitude to kill, for very flimsy reasons, and then use the "self defense" argument to successfully avoid conviction. The number of murders that have occurred in the defense of "Stand Your Ground" argument is huge.

A young political party worker for the Democratic party was shot and injured when he approached a home to give fliers for his candidate in the South. The shooter was not charged or convicted. The police felt that he had stood his ground over what he thought was a burglar approaching his door.

A mentally challenged young man walking in front of a car holding a dog leash was shot and killed by the driver of the car...because the driver mistook the leash for some weapon. No charge was filed against the shooter and the killer.

A young Asian student, wearing a Halloween costume, was shot and killed one night during a neighborhood trick or treat event by a resident with the gun who did not want him on his lawn. The killer got away with the "right to defend property against trespassing" and "possible threat to self" argument.

Two men who were entering through their house window because they had locked themselves out were shot by an overzealous neighbor who thought they were robbers. The hyper-vigilant neighbor did not even know how his neighbors looked but, in strange twist of fate, shot and killed the very neighbors whose property he thought he was defending. The shooter was not charged and of murder.

Not only in America do we have people too private and insular to know their own neighbors, but these very individuals would not also hesitate to aim their guns at their neighbors in an overzealous attempt to defend the others’ properties. And the system might just protect these killers.

In the 1960s and 1970s police and vigilante groups could openly kill Blacks, especially Black protestors, and other colored people and not have their actions and motives questioned.  

Today you can pretty much do the same long as it is in the dark, with no or few witnesses, and it is in a predominantly white community, where fear, prejudice and hatred (towards Blacks, colored people and others) runs high.

If laws don't exist in some countries (and they are referred to as lawless lands or anarchy), in the US elaborate laws, interpretation of laws and application of laws are used to protect White privilege and power, and make discrimination, disenfranchisement and murder of Black and Brown people legal.

The Black community, whose cultures, families and self esteem were destroyed by slavery and racism, could not even rely on the law enforcement and the judicial system to hear their plight and defend them against obvious and extreme injustice. And people in other community have felt the same way.

This is what happens when sick systems are not confronted and held accountable. People in these systems fear many things unnecessarily, and people outside begin to withdraw in large numbers. Ask many Blacks from the South, living in many cities in the North, if they'd return to Florida or other parts of the South, they’d roll their eyes and give an emphatic “no” because “you don't know who is going to stalk you, harass you and kill you...and the system is going to protect and acquit the killer."

Immigrants, usually awed by their homes, cars, computers and cell phones in the US, and America's highways and skyscrapers, well sold through enticing colorful propaganda...never listen when experiences of those of us who have lived there for many years and are social scientists who observe and study the system at close quarters. They had drunk the Kool-Aid and now want those that pay a different picture from the Hollywood movies they are used to seeing back home  to be either silent, compliant or congenially cooperative to their narrow priorities.

As protestors in support of Trayvon Martin would note, "We had a verdict...not justice!"

For the family of Martin,  no amount of money will compensate for the loss of their son. Nothing would have woken that boy up from the cold concrete on which he laid, on that rainy evening in February when he was returning, like so many young teens in the US, from a convenience after buying some skittles (a bag of American candies), back home! He never made it to his home, because a grown man, with too many assumptions, fears, paranoia and prejudice, and enough aggression and cold determination followed him, stalked him, pursued him, provoked him, and then pulled a trigger on him. Trayvon, a boy of 17, bled to death, while his shooter and killer went free.

The world, far too long awed by the USA, must know about this case. They must know that there is a difference between facts and the law; between law and the judicial system ; between the judicial system and delivery of justice; and between justice and the truth.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Who will Watch the Watchers?

What was General Keith Alexander, Director of National Security Agency and a four star general, doing at a hackers convention "DefCon" in 2012? You can see this General, usually prim and proper in his military uniform, badges, stripes and medals, in jeans and a t-shirt (with some kind of tree logo on it) lecturing to young hackers about how "life from a hacker to a spy" is "an ideal one"...and can be mutually beneficial. 

Even more startling is his emphasis, during his lecture - which is more like an advertisement and recruitment for the NSA - on the importance of protecting privacy and civil liberties of the people. You can catch his entire lecture at the 20th Def Con at

General Keith Alexander struggled to explain to the Congress yesterday, after Edward Snowden's revelations, how a young man, with poor education, limited training and mere security guard experience, working for a private company Booze Allen, came to have such an easy access, with high security clearance, to highly classified information? Was it because General Keith Alexander and his team were soliciting young, eager to please or eager to show off,  men in places like the hackers' convention for their "dirty work"? 

 Is NSA looking for young computer whizzes (who don't necessarily have to be good in school or college), who can enter the intelligence community, with or without criminal records and with or without criminal intent, to join their spying game more effectively? Has the National Security Agency outsourced a lot of its intelligence work - that is supposed to be about "classified information for national security" - to private companies that remain secret because of the secret work they do? How secure are we if the military, and particularly its intelligence division, has outsourced its most secretive intelligence work to private companies that cannot even be adequately overseen or monitored by the Congress - made up of the representatives of the people?

How does someone that specifically mentions "privacy rights and civil liberties", that have to be protected at all times in accordance with the Constitution, even in "highly classified intelligence work", at a hackers' convention, now explain the breach of those very same rights?  It is disconcerting when it comes from the highest levels of office with the highest level of power with the highest levels of privilege with the highest levels of protections. One hopes all the families of NSA workers realize that many in the offices of their family members with the NSA know a lot about their personal live...including every porno they have watched since they were fifteen, and every intimate conversation they have made in their bedrooms and every face they have made behind somebody's back in anger, annoyance or contempt.  One would also hope that they are afraid, ashamed and will start challenging these family members working for the NSA...and treat them as pariahs (that they have become). It is for these kinds of dysfunctional and morally depraved people that the word pariah should really apply.

If Americans are already concerned about the marriage between Wall Street and they have to be horrified at the intimate relationship between the American military and many economically militant private corporations. There is, as Professor Christopher Pyle with Mount Holyoke college in Massachusetts has reiterated, since his exposure of the American domestic spying way back in the 1970s, not only a vast network of growing intelligence gathering machinery (that people have no knowledge about)...but more than 70% of Government budget for intelligence work now goes to private contractors.

As some might say, "How dare you spy on American citizens and legal residents for fear of some remote national security threat...when the very agencies employed in the work of 'intelligence gathering to ensure national security' have put the people and the country at the highest national security risk by outsourcing to private companies with very little transparency, monitoring and accountability?"

In other words, have some of the national security agencies themselves become a national security threat?

In higher places, where insularity and intoxication of power reigns supreme, all kinds of people and perspectives become strange bedfellows...and people cannot see their own contradictions, hypocrisy and at times demonic ways.

Much like the church scandal where the men of cloak, with power and privilege, who preach morality to the public end up molesting children in their own congregation...we now have a military wanting more and more power and money to ensure out national security....while breaching national security through all kinds of private contractors with no oversight - not even from Congress, and are not accountable to anyone. Well, well, well....the cookie monster that is supposed to protect our cookie has eaten all the cookies and is now pretending to go after the "real culprit". 

The genie is out of the bottle, and instead of explaining how an agency entrusted with the job of protecting its citizens and legal residents was now spying on some foreign enemy nation, some within the government and military are now trying to convince the Congress why a domestic spying program is necessary and how it has helped squash numerous terrorist plots. The same agency that could not even stop the Boston marathon bombers, with one of the bombers having a clear known militant connection that had been reported to the military!

Neither could General Alexander explain how a young man like Edward Snowden, without even a college degree, ended up earning $200,000 with a private company doing high level intelligence work which was part of the NSA domestic spying program, with access to highly classified information on what the NSA was secretively doing...while assisting the NSA on doing just that. With that level of power, authority and money given to the NSA how could a Director of the NSA, a four star General, appear this ignorant or dismissive of what his own citizens, and their representatives, are concerned about.

As so many have written on this matter in the last one week alone, the gist of their concerns, paraphrased from what Greenwald, Bamford, Pyle, et al., have written, and condensing it in a single paragraph: "There is no oversight, no accountability and no basic monitoring. We don't know how much money is being spent on these programs, why...what is it really achieving. We don't know what is being, why and where it will be stored. Like anything that has reached a crisis point we only learn of the truth after a scandal. All this while people's civil rights, privacy and constitutional rights are being blatantly and brazenly violated!"

This "Trust me, trust us or believe us" argument of leaders is no longer going to work. The view that the powers can and possibly will use any information about the public selectively or distort it to ruin an individual’s reputation, career, security and rights is disturbing to say the least. There is no way minorities, immigrants, poor people and liberals (who are now classified as Socialists and Communists in the US these days) are going to get to first base...let alone fifth base. Compliant men and women, those within the system and the conservatives are going to come to power and stay in power. And nobody can touch them. Imagine these folks, in uniforms looking prim and proper, watching gay couples make love, teenagers fooling around, families yelling at each other in anger or being privy to people’s most private or intimate conversations and actions. Yet the public will never know even the name, face or email of those that that do the prying!

According to some, "Should we be surprised with all this abuse and assault in the military? Should the military not be the first place where perverse machismo would be in full display? Is it not the place where hierarchy and patriarchy reaches its maximum structure and function? Authority is to be obeyed...and authority is everywhere. One follows orders...and never questions it. Sometimes questioning orders can get you into trouble, get you reprimanded, thrown out or get you pushed out of your peer trust circles. Is not defending your buddy for everything part of 'unity at all cost' military motto? You defend your buddies in combat...and you defend your buddies when they are accused of sexual assault. Why are we surprised this happens? And what is the ethics of war? Where is the line between clean killing and messy killing? Where is the line between the painful psychological horrors and trauma of long drawn out war and torture?  Shooting a bunch of journalists from a helicopter above is okay...but making prisoners crawl around naked in their cell is not? Ripping a woman's veil off before shooting her is not okay...but shooting her husband and her male kids in front of her is okay? Why is anyone surprised about assault and violence in the military? The military is about killing...organized orderly killing. Just because only a few among these well trained official killers going on a killing rampage where the targets become their own citizens or peers...should we forget that the military is a highly hierarchical patriarchal system...not always stable though well structured! And without oversight, and frequent evaluations and is prone to going out of control!"

Without oversight, frequent evaluations and proper accountability mechanism the NSA too can go out of control...and some have begun to is "already out of control".

The military overwhelmingly prefers Conservative Presidents and members of Congress...And this has forced many Democrats, like John Kerry, to behave just like the Republicans.  The men at the top are never going to go away unless they are removed by the democratic process and brought to heel by the justice system.

Tyrants love illiterate people, ignorant people, clueless people, weak people, passive people, perverted people, compliant people, congenial people, exhausted people, sick people and scared people. That is how the tyrants stay in power.

What we perceive is a system of men, given authority and power, to do the right thing because they are supposed to have that brain power, thinking power, intuitive power, judgment power, and moral and ethical principles, that will help manage privacy and security well - not 100%...but well enough to not let privacy rights completely disappear. Unfortunately that is not what has happened!

In a country where many Americans are too afraid to call out those Republican members of Congress who make derogatory and disgusting statements (not rooted in science or facts) about women and their reproductive system ..., can one possibly expect that these people are going to take on the NSA, Cyber Intelligence, etc., led by four star generals? Like that toxic blue lagoon the common man keeps jumping into...over and over again – and exclaiming each time that he or she was poisoned!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Growing divide between the North and the South, the Congress and the Supreme Court, and the Popular Press and the Public

All the finger wagging that Secretary John Kerry was doing at the Chinese and Russians, for not returning Edward Snowden, the intelligence analyst with Booz-Allen Hamilton who has revealed information about the American domestic surveillance program, that includes full cooperation from high tech companies like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, etc., might backfire. The tough, and at times intimidating, talk from American public officials has annoyed China and Russia...that are actually, smartly or shrewdly, acting within their law and according to international treaties that they are expected to abide by.

There were Russian dissidents and fugitives, considered criminals by the Russian State, that America actually supported, invited, harbored and provided open asylum to once.  For the US to be talking tough to Russians who did not court or invite Snowden,  while he is merely in transit at their airport, waiting asylum clearance from another country, is a bit "over the top". And for US to be demanding China hand over Snowden when he resided in Hong Kong, which has its own jurisdiction and laws of repatriation. is a bit ridiculous.

What the US might have to worry about is Russia and China filing a lawsuit in the International Court of Justice at The Hague for American oversight of international, or country-to-country, treaties concerning foreign travelers, visitors, residency permits, extradition protocols and asylum laws, and for "intimidating sovereign nations".  These are pretty serious charges.

What was the Secretary and other members of Congress thinking when they made macho demanding, threatening and intimidating remarks and speeches to two countries that are already quite peeved at America's hacking into their computer networks and spying, and committing surveillance on their leaders like Putin?

We hear that there are more revelations to come on what Snowden knows and owns.

But the most shocking part of all this Snowden versus NSA is the way American popular press has handled this issue. It is an American Brazilian, Glen Greenwald, a Constitutional lawyer who writes for the British newspaper "The Guardian", who interviewed Snowden in Hong Kong, and with his permission revealed information on domestic surveillance that he felt the American public needed to know.  The American press, including well established political talk shows, now acting like CIA interrogators, wanted to know if Glen Greenwald needs to be tired for treason. They not only discuss how to capture Snowden and try him...without much knowledge of extradition issues and domestic judicial process, but they want to try journalists, who are courageous, professional and principled enough to investigate and analyze critical or unusual information that comes their way, and share it with the public for education, information and empowerment.

The tired old American press who could not investigate what was going on right under their noses during the time of Iraq invasion and occupation, are now calling for treason trial of a colleague who had more intelligence, courage and conviction than these privileged cowards. The public is shocked, disgusted and wants to know how many in the American press, pretending to be Right, Center or Left, work for the National Security Agency themselves. One would not be surprised if some of these anchormen and anchorwomen, and so called senior journalists, in the American popular TV, radio and press turn out to be spies.

It was revealed that one Mr. Murphy, a journalist with Meet the Press, has personal investments with a private company that contracts with the NSA on surveillance. What kind of daring investigative work and objective analysis are these press, not surprisingly referred to as presstitude  (like prostitutes, the press embedded to corporations and the people who pay their fat paychecks), going to do?

MSNBC Online has stopped reporting on Snowden and provides headlines on issues that are so ridiculous and inane that it is almost sickeningly funny. It had a report on Mad Men (a television series of advertising men in the 1950s), a football player in trouble and a story about a CEO giving his plane seat to a distressed mother (while social workers sacrifice everyday to save rich dude gets attention for giving up his plane seat for a few hours).

Of course the new distraction, carried out by the corporate American media, to avoid any coverage on domestic surveillance, is to focus on "gay issues, gun issues and girl issues" that are the wedge issues between Democrats and Republicans these days. Nothing gets resolved on these wedge...but they make for great passionate drama, theater and entertainment. Like the filibuster carried out in the Texas State legislature by an attractive blond woman on abortion...technically known as "medical termination of pregnancy" (mtp).

For most countries reproductive rights of women, including mtp, is a public health issue, personal issue, population control issue and a female rights' issue. In the US of A, especially in the South (that includes Texas), it is a moral issue...while high numbers of gun ownership (that kills 60,000 Americans every year) and high numbers of execution of inmates (mostly poor, disenfranchised and colored) is perfectly tolerated, accepted and encouraged. With this level of open contradiction, inconsistency and hypocrisy will the South ever appear normal...let alone progressive?

The South appears so backward that it is almost difficult to talk about its history, culture, attitudes, policies and laws without rolling one's eyes, smirking, feeling disgust and feeling frightened for the women in the Southern States.

What these pretentious debates, or talks on the State Senate floor, does is to make women look dysfunctional, crazy, perverted and dumb...which is the way Southern macho patriarchal men like to see their women. These are places where the talk of abortion is always only about teen pregnancy, rape and incest...because that is what occurs often in these Southern States. What men and women in these States forget is that 85% of those who seek mtp in the North, and in other countries, are adult women, intelligent, educated, independent, thoughtful and careful,  who are not teenagers, they are not promiscuous and they are not victims of rape, molestation or incest. But in the South, where the mind and behaviors are medieval, dysfunctional and backward, the view of mtp is always associated with violence, irresponsibility and female perversion.

And Democracy Now!, with its own small set of dysfunctional women coming on the show, indulge in this kind of perverted "self victimization" and "pretentious feminism". In America some groups can gang up pretty good to create collective lies and punish those they disagree with unfairly. No wonder there is so much compliance to spying and betrayal by one's own government, security agencies and tech companies, while few question and rebel against these terrible constitutional violations. And those who do question, challenge and confront are attacked mercilessly and unfairly for it.

These are the Northeastern media women, like on Democracy Now!, who seem to connect with Southern women and Saudi Arabian women well...where status of women is very behind the times. Saudi Arabia may come across as more civilized than these women on Democracy Now!, ranting and raving about personal issues, while John Kerry waves his fingers.

You can hit out at these lies and media gutter people...but it takes you to their gutter.

Another addition to this North-South divide is the recent attack on Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 by the Supreme Court (SC). What was SC thinking, and why did they make the Section 5, that specifically redresses the elaborate ways by which some States, mostly in the South, attempted to oppress voting rights, voting abilities, and voter access by creating all kinds of convoluted and complicated State laws that targeted mostly minorities, people of color and Blacks, moot? Either the Supreme Court was not thinking, it was contradicting itself or it was doing Right wing activism. Now the VRA must go back to the Congress for full vote to reinstate Section 4 and the bite it gives to Section 5. This attack on VRA has now made the White House and some members of Congress shocked and outraged. They see this as one more Supreme Court snub...with little judicial relevance but more Right-wing political activism. Yes, officially the Roberts' court is a Conservative activist court: that does not just interpret the law and provide some application guidelines. Did people think it was going to be different?  Some predict it is going to get worst!

So here we go folks...:

The Northern and the Southern States are growing culturally, socially and politically further apart, and this might lead to further divisions, disagreements and daring call for secession or combat - legal, militia or military.

The Supreme Court, with what is seen by many as an attack on Voting Rights Act,  has now provoked the White House, the Obama administration and many members of the Congress. Some see the modifications to the VRA as "a Supreme Court snub and a provocative activist attack". But how do political people provide a good rebuttal to the Supreme Court? Will there be more protests, lawsuits and constitutional challenges?

And will the traditional popular propagandist press (PPP) report on these emerging and growing issues - fairly, relevantly and intelligently? The PPP is now in direct collision with many Americans, Right, Center and Left, who are feeling betrayed by the NSA, the Congress and the Press itself.

The volcanoes up in Alaska are about to erupt!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Paying the Price For Large, Unfair, Cruel And Long Term Imprisonments, Maybe?

There has been a slew of "murders, hit kills and assassinations of officials and officers in the law enforcement system, the judicial system and prison system" in the United States of America! This amidst a passionate debate and conflict around "gun control" and "regulations on the exercise of the Second Amendment Right to buy, own, secure, maintain, protect and use guns...and the bullets that go into it".

If American elites and corporate moguls are nervous, may be even urinating in their pants, over returning war soldiers who may become a social liability...or angry vengeance seekers because of they way they might feel about "being used, deceived and manipulated" by the rich, the powerful and the influential - who initiate conflicts and wars without getting their own hands dirty or blown off...a new kind of reality is emerging domestically that is not getting much attention!

The released inmate! The kind, guilty or not, coming from hard core prisons: defined and dominated by "years of solitary confinement", "violence", "brutality", "cold and cruel staff" and "peer influences and violence constructed by childhood of neglect, abuse and poverty, as well as an adulthood of police harassment, brutality and judicial unfairness".

Welcome to the new America of the "angry, justifiable or not, of released prison inmates", who could turn their "anger, vengeance and vendetta" against people, or systems, that wronged them, or they think it might have wronged them...but were always punished harshly and cruelly inside the system.

If eye for an eye is the laws of vengeance and retribution for crimes in Saudi Arabia, now passing a judicial verdict to paralyze a man who ten years ago stabbed and paralyzed his the US it has been no different. While Sharia laws are at least clear, blunt and open in its edicts of punishment and the US there has always been torture, cruelty and oppression underneath the Christian laws of compassion and forgiveness. This why many around the world call America a society of horrible contradictions, inhuman inconsistencies and cruel hypocrisies.

As Michael Moore once wrote (paraphrased), "If your friends and allies are dictators, tyrants and torturers, even in the Middle East, could you be any different?"

And nowhere do you see this American Christian contradiction more starkly than in the American prison system!

Many Blacks, not only stuck and tortured in a racist system that enslaved, shackled and lynched them, have, even after the victory of the civil war and partial success of the civil rights movement, been harassed, assaulted and incarcerated by the law enforcement and judicial system for many decades without due process, many among them have also received harsh and long sentences for minor crimes.

While Blacks, victimized by centuries of slavery and decades of legal and judicial unfairness and brutality, have directed their anger into "political protests, self determination and empowerment"...there is a group of young White men who are now directing their anger, justified or not, on to White men in the system , and with power, who have either betrayed them...or treated them unfairly, cruelly and crazily.

This was noted by an astute Black Panther activist who years ago said, "They are destroying our families, communities, our rights and humanity by using politics, the judiciary and the law enforcement system to harass us, limit us, intimidate us, assault us and incarcerate they can destroy us economically, socially and psychologically. But they are also hurting some White people in the process too. There are some innocent white men in the prison too. And there are White men who are tortured and brutalized by white men too. They are going to come out of our prison system with a lot of justifiable anger...and go on shooting rampages. And they might have access to weapons that we don't have!"

As one angry, but smart, Vet says to a friend (while slightly drunk, open and honest) in a movie on the 60s, "There are young men who are going to find out the truth about the Vietnam war and the war machinery in their own country. The war machinery that has deceived them, lied to them and manipulated them...and has cost them their youth, their health, their body, their spirit and their minds. These smart pissed of men are going to turn their guns and weapons on the elites and the liars in their own communities! Welcome to violence, chaos and carnage with a purpose!"

There are plenty of officials and officers in the law enforcement system, the judiciary and the corrections' system who have blood on their hands. Not only are we only now seeing a larger number of innocent people, who were once wrongfully convicted, being exonerated because of DNA testing and better forensic investigation...we are only now hearing about the "lives of those who are incarcerated - guilty or not!"

Rodney King's beatings - in the middle of the day, in a city, involving several police officers (that always draws attention), near a major highway with heavy traffic with plenty of witnesses - brought to the public detailed knowledge of "police brutality" that they did not have before. (Unfortunately, people who were victimized by the police were already poor, segregated, disenfranchised and disempowered...and hence received little mainstream attention, understanding or sympathy).

Today we are seeing what happens when men incarcerated for years - decades really, from childhood, teenage years or young adulthood, harshly treated - sometimes brutalized and tortured, inside the prison system come out as "zombies and lost souls" or "demented and dysfunctional men" - who will either lead dead lives, or go on a shooting rampage seeking revenge and retribution. Some merely shooting out their anger and anguish.

Welcome to the end result of a system that "had many elaborate laws...but no justice" ; "that punished... but rarely corrected" ; "that demanded repentance...but gave no compassion" and "that imprisoned because 'incarceration became a business'."

In a country like the US where White men have enjoyed power, privilege, wealth and authority without transparency, responsibility or accountability - while rarely being sensitive, kind, fair or reciprocating, but definitely preached a lot while taking, taking and taking (as well as consuming, consuming and consuming) - the hen might have come home to roost.

There is a saying, "If you cannot learn through listening, observing, reflecting, thinking and debating and from the experiences of others, wisdom from those who know more and better and books that are honest, factual and insightful...then you are doomed to learn from direct experience: hard, acute and extreme!"

As one mad man, in a novel on truth and justice, says, "I am the curse you created with your unfairness and come to plague you! I am the extreme version of your own madness that you don't see. I am the recognized anti-Christ, rejected and brutalized, to the unrecognized anti-Christ in your society that is accepted and rationalized!"

If you don't pay for your sins...your children might...or at least the system you created might!

So the question we must ask, as we hear about all this "shooting of public officials in the law enforcement system few months ago (think Dronen), the corrections department few weeks ago and the judiciary few days ago, "Was there something about the people shot and killed, or within the system they worked in and worked for, that might be contributing to this...or creating this?"

Do you see any of the media, so called fair or just media, even addressing this issue...let alone covering it honestly, openly and thoughtfully? Do you?

We already see a new call for a new war in North Korea, Syria and against Iran in our popular press. Some of the rich moguls in the oil industry are calling for this too. And some of them are Muslim elites too. It appears wealth, anywhere and in excess, without social responsibility or accountability, makes many betray their own country, culture and people.

As one Black rapper once sang, "Will you respect me White boy-man...without this solid gun in my hand?"

Another song goes, "Will some revolution, for justice, inclusion, fairness and compassion, my friends come only with guns, weapons, threats, violence, murders and hits...with deadly ends? "

Is this what inmates and ex-inmates are thinking and feeling?

Is this why there are efforts being made to keep the military boys in more military they will not come home and turn their anger and brain injuries into "domestic wars"?

Is this why efforts are made to put more and more people in prisons, and keep them there as long as possible?

I do not know the answers to the last four questions...but some are not even thinking about the possible answers.

And we have a media that loves wars, murders, sensationalism and "ratings". It keeps people entertained, distracted and outraged by all false stuff - fluff stuff.

But you have to be smart sensitive person to feel it, intuit it, see it, know it and get to some inside facts...

As one American activist said, "We don't have thinking, aware and feeling people anymore: we have entertained sheep, brainwashed robots, overworked zombies, destructive warewolves that bite and infect each other...or petty vampires that suck each others' blood while letting the bigger vampires rule"

If you keep creating mad dogs, or you feed a mad dog lot of meat and fatten him up so he can bite, scare and kill people next door - like Pakistan once did to its neighbor, do you really think that the mad dog is not going to come after you sometime? Do you really think that the mad dog is not going to get you or your family or people in your department sometime?

Something to think about!