Sunday, April 7, 2013

Paying the Price For Large, Unfair, Cruel And Long Term Imprisonments, Maybe?

There has been a slew of "murders, hit kills and assassinations of officials and officers in the law enforcement system, the judicial system and prison system" in the United States of America! This amidst a passionate debate and conflict around "gun control" and "regulations on the exercise of the Second Amendment Right to buy, own, secure, maintain, protect and use guns...and the bullets that go into it".

If American elites and corporate moguls are nervous, may be even urinating in their pants, over returning war soldiers who may become a social liability...or angry vengeance seekers because of they way they might feel about "being used, deceived and manipulated" by the rich, the powerful and the influential - who initiate conflicts and wars without getting their own hands dirty or blown off...a new kind of reality is emerging domestically that is not getting much attention!

The released inmate! The kind, guilty or not, coming from hard core prisons: defined and dominated by "years of solitary confinement", "violence", "brutality", "cold and cruel staff" and "peer influences and violence constructed by childhood of neglect, abuse and poverty, as well as an adulthood of police harassment, brutality and judicial unfairness".

Welcome to the new America of the "angry, justifiable or not, of released prison inmates", who could turn their "anger, vengeance and vendetta" against people, or systems, that wronged them, or they think it might have wronged them...but were always punished harshly and cruelly inside the system.

If eye for an eye is the laws of vengeance and retribution for crimes in Saudi Arabia, now passing a judicial verdict to paralyze a man who ten years ago stabbed and paralyzed his the US it has been no different. While Sharia laws are at least clear, blunt and open in its edicts of punishment and the US there has always been torture, cruelty and oppression underneath the Christian laws of compassion and forgiveness. This why many around the world call America a society of horrible contradictions, inhuman inconsistencies and cruel hypocrisies.

As Michael Moore once wrote (paraphrased), "If your friends and allies are dictators, tyrants and torturers, even in the Middle East, could you be any different?"

And nowhere do you see this American Christian contradiction more starkly than in the American prison system!

Many Blacks, not only stuck and tortured in a racist system that enslaved, shackled and lynched them, have, even after the victory of the civil war and partial success of the civil rights movement, been harassed, assaulted and incarcerated by the law enforcement and judicial system for many decades without due process, many among them have also received harsh and long sentences for minor crimes.

While Blacks, victimized by centuries of slavery and decades of legal and judicial unfairness and brutality, have directed their anger into "political protests, self determination and empowerment"...there is a group of young White men who are now directing their anger, justified or not, on to White men in the system , and with power, who have either betrayed them...or treated them unfairly, cruelly and crazily.

This was noted by an astute Black Panther activist who years ago said, "They are destroying our families, communities, our rights and humanity by using politics, the judiciary and the law enforcement system to harass us, limit us, intimidate us, assault us and incarcerate they can destroy us economically, socially and psychologically. But they are also hurting some White people in the process too. There are some innocent white men in the prison too. And there are White men who are tortured and brutalized by white men too. They are going to come out of our prison system with a lot of justifiable anger...and go on shooting rampages. And they might have access to weapons that we don't have!"

As one angry, but smart, Vet says to a friend (while slightly drunk, open and honest) in a movie on the 60s, "There are young men who are going to find out the truth about the Vietnam war and the war machinery in their own country. The war machinery that has deceived them, lied to them and manipulated them...and has cost them their youth, their health, their body, their spirit and their minds. These smart pissed of men are going to turn their guns and weapons on the elites and the liars in their own communities! Welcome to violence, chaos and carnage with a purpose!"

There are plenty of officials and officers in the law enforcement system, the judiciary and the corrections' system who have blood on their hands. Not only are we only now seeing a larger number of innocent people, who were once wrongfully convicted, being exonerated because of DNA testing and better forensic investigation...we are only now hearing about the "lives of those who are incarcerated - guilty or not!"

Rodney King's beatings - in the middle of the day, in a city, involving several police officers (that always draws attention), near a major highway with heavy traffic with plenty of witnesses - brought to the public detailed knowledge of "police brutality" that they did not have before. (Unfortunately, people who were victimized by the police were already poor, segregated, disenfranchised and disempowered...and hence received little mainstream attention, understanding or sympathy).

Today we are seeing what happens when men incarcerated for years - decades really, from childhood, teenage years or young adulthood, harshly treated - sometimes brutalized and tortured, inside the prison system come out as "zombies and lost souls" or "demented and dysfunctional men" - who will either lead dead lives, or go on a shooting rampage seeking revenge and retribution. Some merely shooting out their anger and anguish.

Welcome to the end result of a system that "had many elaborate laws...but no justice" ; "that punished... but rarely corrected" ; "that demanded repentance...but gave no compassion" and "that imprisoned because 'incarceration became a business'."

In a country like the US where White men have enjoyed power, privilege, wealth and authority without transparency, responsibility or accountability - while rarely being sensitive, kind, fair or reciprocating, but definitely preached a lot while taking, taking and taking (as well as consuming, consuming and consuming) - the hen might have come home to roost.

There is a saying, "If you cannot learn through listening, observing, reflecting, thinking and debating and from the experiences of others, wisdom from those who know more and better and books that are honest, factual and insightful...then you are doomed to learn from direct experience: hard, acute and extreme!"

As one mad man, in a novel on truth and justice, says, "I am the curse you created with your unfairness and come to plague you! I am the extreme version of your own madness that you don't see. I am the recognized anti-Christ, rejected and brutalized, to the unrecognized anti-Christ in your society that is accepted and rationalized!"

If you don't pay for your sins...your children might...or at least the system you created might!

So the question we must ask, as we hear about all this "shooting of public officials in the law enforcement system few months ago (think Dronen), the corrections department few weeks ago and the judiciary few days ago, "Was there something about the people shot and killed, or within the system they worked in and worked for, that might be contributing to this...or creating this?"

Do you see any of the media, so called fair or just media, even addressing this issue...let alone covering it honestly, openly and thoughtfully? Do you?

We already see a new call for a new war in North Korea, Syria and against Iran in our popular press. Some of the rich moguls in the oil industry are calling for this too. And some of them are Muslim elites too. It appears wealth, anywhere and in excess, without social responsibility or accountability, makes many betray their own country, culture and people.

As one Black rapper once sang, "Will you respect me White boy-man...without this solid gun in my hand?"

Another song goes, "Will some revolution, for justice, inclusion, fairness and compassion, my friends come only with guns, weapons, threats, violence, murders and hits...with deadly ends? "

Is this what inmates and ex-inmates are thinking and feeling?

Is this why there are efforts being made to keep the military boys in more military they will not come home and turn their anger and brain injuries into "domestic wars"?

Is this why efforts are made to put more and more people in prisons, and keep them there as long as possible?

I do not know the answers to the last four questions...but some are not even thinking about the possible answers.

And we have a media that loves wars, murders, sensationalism and "ratings". It keeps people entertained, distracted and outraged by all false stuff - fluff stuff.

But you have to be smart sensitive person to feel it, intuit it, see it, know it and get to some inside facts...

As one American activist said, "We don't have thinking, aware and feeling people anymore: we have entertained sheep, brainwashed robots, overworked zombies, destructive warewolves that bite and infect each other...or petty vampires that suck each others' blood while letting the bigger vampires rule"

If you keep creating mad dogs, or you feed a mad dog lot of meat and fatten him up so he can bite, scare and kill people next door - like Pakistan once did to its neighbor, do you really think that the mad dog is not going to come after you sometime? Do you really think that the mad dog is not going to get you or your family or people in your department sometime?

Something to think about!